Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Advance Your Feng Shui Practice to The Master Level!

Eliminate ALL your doubts and frustrations in Feng Shui

Complex Feng Shui Knowledge Deconstructed to Make Learning Easy

Feng Shui Made Easy for Beginners
Congratulations to the recent graduates of CAFS Xuan Kong Flying Star feng Shui Course from 8th to 11th of March 2014. From left to right, Saik Sien, Sherwyn, Dorisq Tan, Yit Ming, Victor, AhWu, James.
May we all go on to create many positive impacts in the lives of our families and friends through applying the authentic feng shui knowledge that we have acquired in class.
Heart felt appreciation and gratitude towards Grandmaster Francis Leyau for dedicating his lifework to deconstruct the complex fengshui knowledge into simple and easy ways for us to learn effectively. Students have learnt many precious life lessons and wisdom from Grandmaster Francis Leyau through the nightly supper with him.
Gratitude towards every participant who has made the imparting of knowledge possible and fun. Last but not least, gratitude towards Mrs Leyau for taking such good care of everyone of us, while we focus on learning.
Looking forward to our next empowering class in April.

Moments of Inspirations...

Just received feedback from a fengshui done end of last year.... child with special needs sleeps better and performance in school improves, parents are happy and at peace with child's progress. 

Feeling inspired and reminded once again why I am choosing the path to serve through authentic fengshui...