Saturday, February 8, 2014

Central Academy of Feng Shui Courses

1. Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui Course

Date: 8-11 March (Sat-Tues)
Fee: S$3k (50% Discount from the Usual Fee if S$6k)
Venue: Melaka
Bonus: Accommodation & Food provided if sign up before 15 Feb


- Empowers participants to perform fengshui audit effectively with authentic knowledge from proper traceable lineage

- Build a solid foundation for further progress in the study of chinese metaphysics

- Guidance by Grand Master Francis Leyau, the only living Grand Master in authentic and pure San Yuan Flying Stars Fengshui (all the rest like Grand Master Hong Chuan of Bright hill temple are not around in physical person anymore).

- Get close and personal and have direct interactions with Grand Master Francis Leyau to learn from his 40 years of fengshui and chinese metaphysics experiences after classes.

- This special 50% discount in course fee is an Unprecedented offer that the Central Academy of Feng Shui is extending in conjunction with its 30th Anniversary Celebrations. Take advantage to of this once-in-a-life time deal and have Grand Master Francis Leyau guiding the class and interacting with students directly. He will not do it forever....neither will course fee remain this special for very long...

2. Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Seelection Course

Date: 5-7 March (Wed-Fri)
Fee: S$3.4k ((50% Discount from the Usual fee of S$6.4k)
Venue: Melaka
Bonus: Accommodation & Food provided if sign up before 15Feb


- Empowers participants to select auspicious dates for property renovation and moving in, to start business in property, any date selection that is pertaining to the properties and its occupants.

- The trinity of fengshui,...天 (Heaven), 地 (Earth), 人 (Human) is integrated through a proper San Yuan Xuan Kong Da Gua Date selection process, where we integrate Time factor with the Precise Orientation of the Subject Property and Human factor.

- This course will uncover why some right fengshui applications may or may not yield the desired outcomes....

- The success of any fengshui implementations requires the integration of the trinity of heaven, earth and human.

- This special 50% discount in course fee is another Unprecedented offer that the Central Academy of Feng Shui is extending in conjunction with its 30th Anniversary Celebrations. Take advantage to of this once-in-a-life time deal and have Grand Master Francis Leyau guiding the class and interacting with students directly. He will not do it forever....neither will course fee remain this special for very long...(Classes are subjected to time availability of Grand Master Leyau & CAFS's tight schedules).

3. Advance Flying Stars Course Part 1

Date: 20-22 March (Thurs-Sat)
Fee: S$2.5k (50% Discount from the Usual fee of S$5k)
Venue: Melaka
Bonus: Accommodation & Food provided if sign up before 15Feb


- Covers 31 carefully selected case records by our Grand Master Yen Ben. These real life case records are impossible to read on our own (they come in 3 hard cover binded books called Er-Zai-Si-Yan)....many very experienced fengshui masters whom are teaching fengshui do not know how to interpret these case records...however, these real life case records are so important in show casing the depths of understanding of the Wu Chang Sect Xuan Kong Flying Stars Principles by our late Grand they apply their depths of knowledge....there are so many gems within these case records that show us what is possible with the applications.

- Fengshui Practitioners get a shortcut, which potentially saves them 20-40 years of self experimentation with your understandings of fengshui principles through one's own case studies. With understandings from our late Grand Master's old case records, we potentially get our fengshui implementations right the first time...avoiding the many potential pitfalls of our own testing and validation processes.

4. Advance Flying Stars Course Part 2

Date: 23-25 March (Sun - Tues)
Fee: S$2.5k (50% Discount from the Usual fee of S$5k)
Venue: Melaka
Bonus: Accommodation & Food provided if sign up before 15Feb


- In the Part 2 of Advance Flying Stars Course, another 31 carefully selected old case records will be covered. Each case record is carefully selected to cover in class to highlight certain principles and its real applications and the results from the applications.

For more details on Course enrollments, pls feel free to email directly  to

Alternatively, you may also contact DorisqTan for more information at

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